Q. What is Community Infrastructure Lecture (CIL) and who has to pay it?.
A. The Community Infrastructure Levy is a planning charge, introduced by the Planning Act 2008 as a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of their area.
Development will be liable for CIL if it Involves new build of at least 100m2 gross internal area (GIA) floorspace; or Involves the creation of one or more dwellings. The procedure for applying for the CIL exception is a complex and lengthy procedure, with seven separate forms to be completed and submitted within a strict timeframe. This must happen prior to any work commencing on site, if you begin works, your right to an exception disappears!
A beurocratic process, you will need to supply council tax payments, title deeds, building warranty certificates, completion certificates, the list goes on.
The responsibility to pay the levy rests with the ownership of land on which the liable development will be situated. Although liability rests with the landowner, the regulations recognise that others involved in a development may wish to pay. The sum payable is calculated by multiplying a fixed chargeable rate by the amount of square meters added. The charges rate is set by the council in question.
The good news is that the levy is targeted a developers not homeowners and with the correct advice and expertise you will be able to avoid the payment altogether.